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Стандарт рисунка калифорния.

Предоставленный любезно Кристианом Кохом. Взят за основу как стандарт "В" от клуба.

На данный момент  выставляется на выставке клуба только в породе гладкошёрстная.

Выложен в оригинале.






The Californian Cavy is born without markings. The Californian-

Markings is build from mask, colored ears and legs. In addition they

have a spot an their throat from different intensity and marked genitals.

The coloring of the mask starts at the nose`s tip and is symmetrical at the

nasal bone towards eyes and cheeks. It should end between the eyes and

should not overmark the eyes. The masks has extensions to cheeks and

eyes and is looking like a symmetrical pear. The mask should be

circumscribed and free of different colored hairs. A mask that is to big is

not allowed.

Ears pigmentation is followed by the color of the markings. Colored hair

at the ears is seen. The legs should mark as high as possible, at least over

the carpal or tarsal joints and as well free of different colored hair.

Adults show a kind of darkening at neck and back.

Californians have a spot on their throat, that is visible in dependece of

color and age oft he cavy.

The genitals of male and female cavies are marked.

The Californian is a heat sensitive pattern. That is why, you can find

lighter hair in the pattern in the warmer periods oft he year. In the warm

season the pattern is lighter than in the colder.




Body and Shape 20%

Head, Eyes, Ears 10%

Hairlength and Density 10%

Color and Markings 15%

Mask 15%

Ear and Legmarks 15%

Condition 15%




-  little unclear mask

-  little asyymetrical mask

-  little to wide mask

-  little to small or to big earcoloring

-  little low coloring of the legs

-  little darkening at neck and back

-  little weak pattern coloring

-  some different colored hair




-  to unclear mask

-  to asyymetrical mask

-  to wide mask

-  to small, to bi gor missing earcoloring

-  to low or missing coloring of the legs

-  to darkening at neck and back

-  to weak or wrong pattern coloring

-  to many different colored hair